News and Updates
Stay informed about the latest developments in our efforts to end homelessness in Anchorage. Here, you'll find updates on our programs, community initiatives, success stories, and ways you can get involved. Together, we can create lasting change and provide stable housing solutions for all. Visit regularly or subscribe to our monthly newsletter to see how we are making a difference and how you can contribute to our mission.
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Seeking diverse voices
Be part of the solutions to homelessness! The community’s homelessness response system needs your voice.
Thank you, students
At South Anchorage High, students went all-in for a fundraiser in which rolls of duct tape were sold … to tape teachers to the wall!
Introducing Anchored Home 2023-2028: Our plan to solve homelessness
Anchored Home, our community’s five-year plan to address homelessness in Anchorage, provides an action-oriented guide to increase housing, grow partnerships and ensure people receive supports tailored to their needs.
Care and concern turn into action
Twice a month, volunteers help us assemble kits of essential supplies that we give away at regular street outreach pop-up events and visits to camps of those who are unsheltered. We couldn’t do this without our volunteers!
Housing: Not a one and done
When someone takes the big step from homeless to housed, they sometimes need supports to stay housed. What happens when their housing voucher runs out? What if issues arise and they don’t have a case manager?
Street outreach team connects
By Zach Zears, Coordinated Entry specialist
My focus at the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness is on street outreach, one of the ways we assist our community, housed and unhoused.
Focus on housing retention
Our community has a new way to help our neighbors who have been housed, stay housed.
In search of fair funding
HUD’s allocation is based on cities’ overall population rather than the population of people who are experiencing homelessness.
Comings and goings
Changes at the Coalition include a bittersweet goodbye, a promotion and welcomes to a new board member and two new staff members.
Stanford students volunteer and learn in Anchorage
A student-led group from Stanford University spent their spring break in Anchorage learning about housing and solutions to homelessness.
‘Making a life change’
Graceful Touch, a new and growing social services agency, is a key partner in the Coalition’s Next Step collaborative housing program.
Help us help our neighbors!
We are supporting the Municipality of Anchorage’s request to the Legislature for funds to keep the East 56th Avenue Shelter open year-round. Your voice will help us amplify our message!
Halfway there!
Henning, Inc. is making a huge impact by connecting people to housing and supports through Next Step!
Next Step: How to help our neighbors
We are past the halfway mark toward our goal of housing 150 of our neighbors this winter and spring through Next Step, a collaborative pilot project in our community.
Awards support solutions to homelessness
The funds will allow service providers to continue projects already underway as well as launch one new project providing permanent supportive housing for youth and young adults.
On the path to more perfect housing
Our community’s commitment to address homelessness was evident with recent awards totaling $4.4 million to the Anchorage Continuum of Care from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Volunteer snapshot
A local church assembled hundreds of kits with food and first aid essentials for our unhoused neighbors during a March volunteer event.
Exciting News from Next Step Initiative!
We are thrilled to announce that 15 more neighbors have taken a monumental step on their journey to stability and independence, bringing the total to 50!
Street outreach meets people where they are at
Anchorage neighbors who are living outdoors converge at regular pop-ups: Tuesdays at Cuddy Family Midtown Park and Thursdays at Davis Park in Mountain View.