Seeking diverse voices

Be part of the solutions to homelessness! The community’s homelessness response system needs your voice.

Service providers, those with lived experience in homelessness and people from the community at large are being sought to serve on an Anchorage-wide advisory council and its committees.

The Homelessness Prevention and Response System Advisory Council works to promote a communitywide commitment to ending homelessness. In addition to oversight, it directs funds to quickly rehouse people, improve self-sufficiency and improve access to services.

To be considered for service on the Anchorage Continuum of Care council, please download this application and once completed, email it to The council is planning to vote on new members in July. It asks those interested to send in applications by the end of June.

The Advisory Council also is seeking members for its committees. The committees are:

  • Compliance: This committee makes sure policies and procedures are in place to comply with local, state and federal funding requirements including through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The group oversees the collaborative application for HUD funds as well as community standards that guide values and priorities and support best practices such as Housing First.

  • Coordinated Entry: This committee works to ensure the Coordinated Entry system that assesses and prioritizes individuals for housing needs and supports is accessible and effective for providers and participants. The group focuses on equitable access, referrals, prioritization and assessment including through activities outlined in the Anchored Home plan. Goals include expanding the use of Coordinated Entry within the Municipality, improving data on who is experiencing homelessness and ensuring information is collected in a healing-centered manner.

  • Data: This committee monitors data sources to improve the Homelessness Prevention and Response System and ensure Anchorage is competitive in its application for HUD funding. The group regularly examines data from Anchorage agencies and projects for timeliness and completeness and aims to improve the use of data to track performance and effectiveness, as outlined in Anchored Home.  

  •  Prioritization: This committee identifies and helps to implement community priorities to address homelessness including by comparing the Anchorage housing inventory to the need. The group will monitor the goals identified in the Anchored Home plan and help set priorities through engagement with individuals who have lived experience as well as front-line staff.

To serve on a committee, please email with a brief description of your background and which committee or committees most interest you.


Housing is the solution


Moving up