Housing is the solution

A message from Alison Kear and Nathan Johnson

Our belief is simple yet powerful. When people are supported in a place to call home, they can flourish and thrive in every aspect of their lives — from careers to relationships to physical and mental health. Housing provides a platform to address all needs, no matter how complex.

Homelessness is first and foremost a housing crisis with significant impacts on public health. With safe and affordable housing paired with supports, we can address the crisis with compassion and ensure a healthier, safer community for all.

Strategies in Anchored Home 2023-2028 keep our focus on increasing the supply of and equitable access to affordable housing and tailored supports for people experiencing homelessness. The approach builds on the framework of the prior Anchored Home plan and aligns with federal goals and investments including the multi-year, interagency roadmap “All In: The Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness.”

Anchored Home is our community’s plan, created with input from those with lived experience, service providers, public officials and the community at large. When the community comes together, we can help our neighbors, reduce impacts to emergency response systems and improve safety for all.

We envision a person-centered system of housing and tailored supports. Because we know the answer. Housing is the solution to homelessness.


Number of people experiencing homelessness in Anchorage drops slightly


Seeking diverse voices