Together, we did it!

We started Next Step as a pilot to prove the concept of how working together, we could successfully house our neighbors coming out of homelessness.

It works! With support from case managers, landlords and funders, our Next Step housing collaboration is reaching the goal of housing 150 people in six months. That’s a person housed every 1.2 days! Most were staying in emergency cold weather shelter. Almost all — 96% — remain housed.

The program includes a landlord liaison to mediate issues, in-home case management with up to 200 hours of support per person and near-daily meetings with case managers to make sure those who have been housed, stay housed.

We budgeted $31,000 to keep one person housed, with supports, for one year. That’s less than the cost of shelter, and actual costs are coming in significantly lower. We leveraged just over $2 million from the Municipality of Anchorage and added to that client contributions, philanthropic grants and individual donations from the community. Soon after move-in, case managers start to help participants plan for month 13, when the support ends.

Taking Next Step outdoors

This summer, as we shift from a pilot to an on-going program, we are taking Next Step outside. We will be decommissioning selected camps to help those who are living outdoors make the transition into stable housing.

Our skilled street outreach team will identify appropriate camps — not too large, not too small — and will ensure that every resident has a permanent housing strategy. All who are enrolled as of a set date will be matched with housing that is right for them as well as case management. The Municipality’s Healthy Spaces team will clear any remaining structures and belongings, and people won’t be able to camp there anymore. Instead, camp residents who were signed up for Next Step will be offered an attractive alternative, a place of their own with a door that locks and supports that foster housing independence and retention.

This is the same model used with great success by our colleagues in Houston, Texas, where homelessness has dropped more than 60% since 2012.

Funds in hand will cover a year of housing and tailored supports for 45 more individuals. Our goal is funding for more than 100 people beyond that, for an additional 150 housed.

Landlords want to help

The program does not require new housing to be built. Rather, the Next Step team locates rentals around town. So far 15 landlords, including two property management companies representing multiple owners, have stepped up for Next Step. Properties are scattered across five Anchorage ZIP codes.

How to support this work

If you are a property owner or have other resources that could support Next Step, please reach out to our team. Our community’s strategic plan to address homelessness, Anchored Home 2023-28, aims for 100 partnerships with non-homelessness service providers to help grow housing dedicated for this population.

Individuals also can help with move-in kits. Learn more and get involved here.

If we continue on this path, we can house as many as 300 people experiencing homelessness a year, helping them from the uncertainty of streets or shelter into a home where they can thrive.


Big steps for our unsheltered neighbors


Community shares best practices