2022 HUD Continuum of Care (Coc) Grant Program Competition
Each year ACEH coordinates the submission of HUD CoC project and collaborative applications to fund organizational and partner programs through a competitive grant process. These grants fund permanent and temporary housing programs in Anchorage and the coordination work done by ACEH to promote a community-wide commitment to ending homelessness.
Anchorage CoC Project Renewal Application – Applications closed on August 25
Anchorage CoC New Project Application – Applications closed on August 25
CoC Grant Program resources, videos, and FAQs
Helpful Resources are available by clicking on the links below:
YHDP replacement application esnaps detailed instructions
There is no Navigational Guide available for YHDP replacement
CoC Grant Informational Kick-off Meeting
Our informational kick-off meeting was held on Wednesday, August 2nd, at 3 p.m.
At this meeting, we discussed:
Specifics on this year’s HUD NOFO cycle
What steps your organization should take RIGHT NOW if you haven’t already
Changes you can expect to see in this year’s collaborative and project applications
A draft timeline for the NOFO cycle, based on the information we currently have
A schedule of ACEH “office hours,” where we’ll provide TA for both new projects and application renewals