Our local grant competition is on!

Organizations that provide housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness in Anchorage are encouraged to apply for funding through the annual Continuum of Care program competition now underway.

These U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grants help pay for permanent supportive housing and rapid rehousing projects in our community. The funds also support the coordination work done by ACEH as well as data collection and analysis to monitor trends and track who is experiencing homelessness.

All grantees must follow the Housing First model in which people can move into housing without barriers or preconditions such as sobriety. Among other goals, HUD is looking for projects that add housing, reduce homelessness and support under-resourced communities including People of Color and those who are LGBTQ+.

Current grantees helping to house our neighbors include Covenant House, Anchorage Housing Initiatives, AWAIC, NeighborWorks Alaska, RurAL CAP and Volunteers of America.

Find the grant application and all relevant documents here. The Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness, which is the lead agency for the Anchorage Continuum of Care, will post meeting recordings and additional documents on this page as they become available.

Current funding is $4.4 million. Our community could receive a boost if all existing projects are renewed and our community takes advantage of the opportunity for more than $840,000 in new, or bonus, projects including a project that serves those who are survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking. The service provider doesn’t have to be solely DV-focused. Any provider could add housing to serve that population.

The deadline for project applications to ACEH for both renewals and new or bonus projects is Sept. 9.

From there, a Rank and Review Committee will score the projects and prioritize them in our community’s collaborative application to HUD. People with lived experience in homelessness are encouraged to take part in the Rank and Review Committee.


Another round of move-ins on the books!


First medicine: Supportive housing in Anchorage for elders now open